Multi-cloud and policy
The UK Government announced its Cloud First policy in 2013. This was followed by similar policies across Healthcare, Policing, Defence and Local Authorities. But typically, the policy speaks of ‘public cloud first’ and reference to multi-cloud is implicit rather than explicit. For example, the Technology Code of Practice specifically talks of a preference for open-source over proprietary technology, and to ensure the use of open standards and interoperability between different solutions.
In our State of Cloud Adoption survey, 40.1% cited lack of clear policy/strategy as a major inhibitor to cloud, 85.5% stated that they would prefer a multi-cloud vendor, and less than 1/5 (19.4)% said they’d only use a single public cloud. Hence, the reality is that policy needs to be refreshed and updated to reflect the need for organisations to use a combination of cloud deployment types (public, private, etc) and cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, etc).
Download The State of Cloud Adoption survey here.