To deliver better public services for less cost, the government has changed its technology strategy. It’s optimising and modernising its technology to:
- improve productivity, efficiency, flexibility and quality
- share and re-use services across departments
- move more services online — the Digital by Default policy
- drive increased project success
As part of this strategy, the public sector is moving away from relying on a small number of incumbent suppliers for end-to-end outsourced services, and towards dis-aggregation. New services — that put users’ and citizens’ needs first — are being delivered in-house and by a wider range of suppliers than ever before.
This exciting climate of change in the public sector presents a massive opportunity for technology businesses active in the UK market.
In the past, you may have avoided bidding for public sector projects — because you thought your services weren’t appropriate, or because of long and complex procurement processes. But current government policies have changed all that.
Public sector IT buyers can buy cloud and digital services directly from suppliers, or use a government procurement framework, such as G-Cloud, Digital Services or PSN, that provides:
- simplified access to cloud and other new technologies
- an extensive choice of suppliers
- a quick, compliant and transparent way of awarding contracts and placing orders
What’s the size of the prize? G-Cloud alone generates sales of around £25 million every month. Wouldn’t you like a share in that?