How to create a virtual machine using Terraform                     Toggle navigation                        Improve this Doc                

       Show / Hide Table of Contents          How to create a virtual machine using Terraform on Azure Stack Hub This document explains how to create a VM using the azurestack Terraform provider with Service Principal Name authentication.

 Prerequisites Prerequisites from a Windows-based external client.

  Terraform executable

  Download Terraform   An active Azure Stack Hub Subscription (required to create SPN if you want to use the same SPN for both Azure and Azure Stack Hub)

  Service Principal Name

  How to create Service Principal Name for Azure Stack Hub in Powershell    HashiCorp documentation  Azure Stack Hub Provider Website

  Azure Stack Hub Provider GitHub Repository

   How to use Terraform with Azure Stack Hub Authentication In order to authenticate with Terraform you will need to have a valid Service Principal Name (SPN) - how to create one is described in the Prerequisites.

  Note You only need your Service Principal Name (SPN) to be assigned to your Azure Stack Hub subscription, despite what official Terraform documentation says.

  The process of authentication can be handled in one of two ways, either as Environment Variables or in the Provider Block.

    Environment Variables   Provider Block    You can create your Terraform plan by putting only the plan itself into and then keeping separate. The actual values are declared in the terraform.tfvars file, such as the SPN credentials.

 Example of how variables are used in Terraform variable "arm_endpoint" {} variable "subscription_id" {} variable "client_id" {} variable "client_secret" {} variable "tenant_id" {}   Note You can also put the content of at the top of the file. provider "azurestack" { arm_endpoint = "${var.arm_endpoint}" subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}" client_id = "${var.client_id}" client_secret = "${var.client_secret}" tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}" }  terraform.tfvars # Configure the Azure Stack Hub Provider arm_endpoint = "https://management.{region}.{domain}" subscription_id = "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" client_id = "{applicationId}" client_secret = "{applicationSecret}" tenant_id = "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"    You can create your Terraform plan by putting everything in one file, which then contains your Provider and variables settings explicitly in said plan. # Configure the Azure Stack Hub Provider provider "azurestack" { arm_endpoint = "https://management.{region}.{domain}" subscription_id = "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" client_id = "{applicationId}" client_secret = "{applicationPassword}" tenant_id = "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" } Rest of the file (...)    Argument reference  arm_endpoint - The Azure Resource Manager API Endpoint for your Azure Stack Hub instance. This will be https://management.{region}.{domain}.   Note For UKCloud, the arm_endpoint is

   subscription_id - The ID of your Azure Stack Hub Subscription.

  client_id - The Application GUID that you configured your Service Principal Name (SPN) to use.

  client_secret - The Application password that you configured your Service Principal Name (SPN) to use.

  tenant_id - The tenant ID of your Azure Active Directory tenant domain. It can either be the actual GUID or your Azure Active Directory tenant domain name.

   Official Variables Guide

 Creating a VM The examples that follow show how to create VMs using Terraform. The code changes depending on whether you are creating a VM with an unmanaged or managed disk. You can select the type of disk you want to use, which will then update the examples below with the appropriate code.

 Declare variables    Variable Name Variable Description Input     arm_endpoint The Azure Resource Manager API endpoint for your Azure Stack Hub instance. This will be https://management.{region}.{domain}.    subscription_id The ID of your Azure Stack Hub subscription.    client_id The application GUID that you configured your Service Principal Name (SPN) to use.    client_secret The application password that you have configured your Service Principal Name (SPN) to use.    rg_name The name of the resource group you want to create    tenant_id The tenant ID of your Azure Active Directory tenant domain. It can either be the actual GUID or your Azure Active Directory tenant domain name.    location The name of the Azure/Azure Stack Hub region.    vm_count The number of VMs you want to create    vm_username The username you want to assign to the VM    vm_password The password you want to assign to the VM    vm_image The operating system you want to use Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTSUbuntu Server 16.04 LTSUbuntu Server 18.04 LTSUbuntu Server 20.04 LTSCentOS-based 6.9CentOS-based 6.10CentOS-based 7.3CentOS-based 7.5CentOS-based 7.6CentOS-based 7.8CentOS-based 8.0Debian 9 "Stretch"Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5Kali LinuxWindows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Datacenter - Pay as you useWindows Server 2012 Datacenter - Pay as you useWindows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter - Pay as you useWindows Server 2016 Datacenter - Pay-as-you-useWindows Server 2016 Datacenter - Server Core - Pay as you useWindows Server 2016 Datacenter - with Containers - Pay as you useWindows Server 2019 Datacenter - Pay as you useWindows Server 2019 Datacenter - with Containers - Pay as you useWindows Server 2019 Datacenter Core - Pay as you useWindows Server 2019 Datacenter Core - with Containers - Pay as you useWindows Server 2022 Datacenter - Pay as you useWindows Server, version 1709 with Containers - Pay as you useWindows Server, version 2004 with Containers - Pay as you useFree License: SQL Server 2016 SP1 Developer on Windows Server 2016SQL Server 2016 SP1 Standard on Windows Server 2016SQL Server 2016 SP1 Enterprise on Windows Server 2016Free License: SQL Server 2016 SP2 Developer on Windows Server 2016Free License: SQL Server 2016 SP2 Express on Windows Server 2016SQL Server 2016 SP2 Standard on Windows Server 2016SQL Server 2016 SP2 Enterprise on Windows Server 2016Free SQL Server License: SQL Server 2017 Developer on Windows Server 2016Free SQL Server License: SQL Server 2017 Express on Windows Server 2016SQL Server 2017 Standard on Windows Server 2016SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Windows Server 2016Free SQL Server License: SQL Server 2017 Developer on SLES 12 SP2Free SQL Server License: SQL Server 2017 Express on SLES 12 SP2SQL Server 2017 Standard on SLES 12 SP2SQL Server 2017 Enterprise on SLES 12 SP2   instance_size Size of the virtual machine to be created Basic A0Basic A1Basic A2Basic A3Basic A4Standard A0Standard A1Standard A2Standard A3Standard A4Standard A5Standard A6Standard A7Standard A1 v2Standard A2 v2Standard A4 v2Standard A8 v2Standard A2m v2Standard A4m v2Standard A8m v2Standard D1Standard D2Standard D3Standard D4Standard D11Standard D12Standard D13Standard D14Standard D1 v2Standard D2 v2Standard D3 v2Standard D4 v2Standard D5 v2Standard D11 v2Standard D12 v2Standard D13 v2Standard D14 v2Standard DS1Standard DS2Standard DS3Standard DS4Standard DS11Standard DS12Standard DS13Standard DS14Standard DS1 v2Standard DS2 v2Standard DS3 v2Standard DS4 v2Standard DS5 v2Standard DS11 v2Standard DS12 v2Standard DS13 v2Standard DS14 v2Standard F1Standard F2Standard F4Standard F8Standard F16Standard F1sStandard F2sStandard F4sStandard F8sStandard F16sStandard F2s v2Standard F4s v2Standard F8s v2Standard F16s v2Standard F32s v2Standard F64s v2   rg_tag An optional tag to help categorize the resource group, e.g. "Production"        Linux VM   Windows VM         Important This example is only the file. You will still need the and terraform.tfvars files as shown in the following section.

  Defining the required Azure Stack Hub resources in the file  Tip Resource attributes such as "name" can be hardcoded as opposed to using variables from the external files for the declaration.

     Windows VM with Managed Disks   Windows VM with Unmanaged Disks   Linux VM with Managed Disks   Linux VM with Unmanaged Disks    provider "azurestack" { arm_endpoint = "${var.arm_endpoint}" subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}" client_id = "${var.client_id}" client_secret = "${var.client_secret}" tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}" } # Create a resource group resource "azurestack_resource_group" "rg" { name = "${var.rg_name}" tags = { environment = "${var.rg_tag}" } } resource "azurestack_network_security_group" "nsg" { name = "${}-SecurityGroup" resource_group_name = "${}" security_rule { name = "rdp" priority = "100" direction = "Inbound" access = "Allow" protocol = "tcp" source_port_range = "*" destination_port_range = "3389" source_address_prefix = "*" destination_address_prefix = "*" } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_virtual_network" "virtual-network" { name = "${}-VirtualNetwork" address_space = [""] resource_group_name = "${}" } resource "azurestack_subnet" "subnet1" { name = "${}-Subnet1" resource_group_name = "${}" virtual_network_name = "${}" address_prefix = "" network_security_group_id = "${}" } resource "azurestack_public_ip" "public-ip" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "public-ip-${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" public_ip_address_al} resource "azurestack_network_interface" "nic" { name = "${}-NIC${count.index + 1}" count = "${var.vm_count}" resource_group_name = "${}" ip_configuration { name = "nic-ip-config1" subnet_id = "${}" private_ip_address_alpublic_ip_address_id = "${element(azurestack_public_ip.public-ip.*.id, count.index)}" } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_virtual_machine" "vm" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "vm-${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" network_interface_ids = ["${element(azurestack_network_interface.nic.*.id, count.index)}"] vm_size = "${var.vm_size}" # Uncomment this line to delete the OS disk automatically when deleting the VM # delete_os_disk_on_termination = true # Uncomment this line to delete the data disks automatically when deleting the VM # delete_data_disks_on_termination = true storage_image_reference { publisher = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 0)}" offer = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 1)}" sku = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 2)}" version = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 3)}" } storage_os_disk { name = "vm-${count.index + 1}-OS-Disk" caching = "ReadWrite" managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" create_option = "FromImage" } # Optional data disks storage_data_disk { name = "vm-${count.index + 1}-Data-Disk" disk_size_gb = "100" managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" create_option = "Empty" lun = 0 } os_profile { computer_name = "host${count.index + 1}" admin_username = "${var.admin_username}" admin_password = "${var.admin_password}" } os_profile_windows_config { } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" }    provider "azurestack" { arm_endpoint = "${var.arm_endpoint}" subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}" client_id = "${var.client_id}" client_secret = "${var.client_secret}" tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}" } # Create a resource group resource "azurestack_resource_group" "rg" { name = "${var.rg_name}" tags = { environment = "${var.rg_tag}" } } resource "azurestack_network_security_group" "nsg" { name = "${}-SecurityGroup" resource_group_name = "${}" security_rule { name = "rdp" priority = "100" direction = "Inbound" access = "Allow" protocol = "tcp" source_port_range = "*" destination_port_range = "3389" source_address_prefix = "*" destination_address_prefix = "*" } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_virtual_network" "virtual-network" { name = "${}-VirtualNetwork" address_space = [""] resource_group_name = "${}" } resource "azurestack_subnet" "subnet1" { name = "${}-Subnet1" resource_group_name = "${}" virtual_network_name = "${}" address_prefix = "" network_security_group_id = "${}" } resource "azurestack_public_ip" "public-ip" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "public-ip-${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" public_ip_address_al} resource "azurestack_network_interface" "nic" { name = "${}-NIC${count.index + 1}" count = "${var.vm_count}" resource_group_name = "${}" ip_configuration { name = "nic-ip-config1" subnet_id = "${}" private_ip_address_alpublic_ip_address_id = "${element(azurestack_public_ip.public-ip.*.id, count.index)}" } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_storage_account" "storage-account" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "${}accsa${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" account_tier = "Standard" account_replication_type = "LRS" tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_storage_container" "storage-container" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "vhds${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" storage_account_name = "${element(*.name, count.index)}" container_access_type  = "private" } resource "azurestack_virtual_machine" "vm" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "vm-${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" network_interface_ids = ["${element(azurestack_network_interface.nic.*.id, count.index)}"] vm_size = "${var.vm_size}" # Uncomment this line to delete the OS disk automatically when deleting the VM # delete_os_disk_on_termination = true # Uncomment this line to delete the data disks automatically when deleting the VM # delete_data_disks_on_termination = true storage_image_reference { publisher = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 0)}" offer = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 1)}" sku = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 2)}" version = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 3)}" } storage_os_disk { name = "vm-${count.index + 1}-OS-Disk" vhd_uri = "${element(*.primary_blob_endpoint, count.index)}${element(*.name, count.index)}/vm-${count.index + 1}-osdisk.vhd" caching = "ReadWrite" create_option = "FromImage" } # Optional data disks storage_data_disk { name = "vm-${count.index + 1}-Data-Disk" vhd_uri = "${element(*.primary_blob_endpoint, count.index)}${element(*.name, count.index)}/vm-${count.index} + 1}-datadisk.vhd" disk_size_gb = "100" create_option = "Empty" lun = 0 } os_profile { computer_name = "host${count.index + 1}" admin_username = "${var.admin_username}" admin_password = "${var.admin_password}" } os_profile_windows_config { } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" }    provider "azurestack" { arm_endpoint = "${var.arm_endpoint}" subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}" client_id = "${var.client_id}" client_secret = "${var.client_secret}" tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}" } # Create a resource group resource "azurestack_resource_group" "rg" { name = "${var.rg_name}" tags = { environment = "${var.rg_tag}" } } resource "azurestack_network_security_group" "nsg" { name = "${}-SecurityGroup" resource_group_name = "${}" security_rule { name = "ssh" priority = "100" direction = "Inbound" access = "Allow" protocol = "tcp" source_port_range = "*" destination_port_range = "22" source_address_prefix = "*" destination_address_prefix = "*" } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_virtual_network" "virtual-network" { name = "${}-VirtualNetwork" address_space = [""] resource_group_name = "${}" } resource "azurestack_subnet" "subnet1" { name = "${}-Subnet1" resource_group_name = "${}" virtual_network_name = "${}" address_prefix = "" network_security_group_id = "${}" } resource "azurestack_public_ip" "public-ip" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "public-ip-${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" public_ip_address_al} resource "azurestack_network_interface" "nic" { name = "${}-NIC${count.index + 1}" count = "${var.vm_count}" resource_group_name = "${}" ip_configuration { name = "nic-ip-config1" subnet_id = "${}" private_ip_address_alpublic_ip_address_id = "${element(azurestack_public_ip.public-ip.*.id, count.index)}" } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_virtual_machine" "vm" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "vm-${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" network_interface_ids = ["${element(azurestack_network_interface.nic.*.id, count.index)}"] vm_size = "${var.vm_size}" # Uncomment this line to delete the OS disk automatically when deleting the VM # delete_os_disk_on_termination = true # Uncomment this line to delete the data disks automatically when deleting the VM # delete_data_disks_on_termination = true storage_image_reference { publisher = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 0)}" offer = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 1)}" sku = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 2)}" version = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 3)}" } storage_os_disk { name = "vm-${count.index + 1}-OS-Disk" caching = "ReadWrite" managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" create_option = "FromImage" } # Optional data disks storage_data_disk { name = "vm-${count.index + 1}-Data-Disk" disk_size_gb = "100" managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS" create_option = "Empty" lun = 0 } os_profile { computer_name = "host${count.index + 1}" admin_username = "${var.admin_username}" admin_password = "${var.admin_password}" } os_profile_linux_config { disable_password_authentication = false } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" }    provider "azurestack" { arm_endpoint = "${var.arm_endpoint}" subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}" client_id = "${var.client_id}" client_secret = "${var.client_secret}" tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}" } # Create a resource group resource "azurestack_resource_group" "rg" { name = "${var.rg_name}" tags = { environment = "${var.rg_tag}" } } resource "azurestack_network_security_group" "nsg" { name = "${}-SecurityGroup" resource_group_name = "${}" security_rule { name = "ssh" priority = "100" direction = "Inbound" access = "Allow" protocol = "tcp" source_port_range = "*" destination_port_range = "22" source_address_prefix = "*" destination_address_prefix = "*" } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_virtual_network" "virtual-network" { name = "${}-VirtualNetwork" address_space = [""] resource_group_name = "${}" } resource "azurestack_subnet" "subnet1" { name = "${}-Subnet1" resource_group_name = "${}" virtual_network_name = "${}" address_prefix = "" network_security_group_id = "${}" } resource "azurestack_public_ip" "public-ip" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "public-ip-${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" public_ip_address_al} resource "azurestack_network_interface" "nic" { name = "${}-NIC${count.index + 1}" count = "${var.vm_count}" resource_group_name = "${}" ip_configuration { name = "nic-ip-config1" subnet_id = "${}" private_ip_address_alpublic_ip_address_id = "${element(azurestack_public_ip.public-ip.*.id, count.index)}" } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_storage_account" "storage-account" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "${}accsa${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" account_tier = "Standard" account_replication_type = "LRS" tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" } resource "azurestack_storage_container" "storage-container" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "vhds${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" storage_account_name = "${element(*.name, count.index)}" container_access_type = "private" } resource "azurestack_virtual_machine" "vm" { count = "${var.vm_count}" name = "vm-${count.index + 1}" resource_group_name = "${}" network_interface_ids = ["${element(azurestack_network_interface.nic.*.id, count.index)}"] vm_size = "${var.vm_size}" # Uncomment this line to delete the OS disk automatically when deleting the VM # delete_os_disk_on_termination = true # Uncomment this line to delete the data disks automatically when deleting the VM # delete_data_disks_on_termination = true storage_image_reference { publisher = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 0)}" offer = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 1)}" sku = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 2)}" version = "${element(split("/", var.vm_image_string), 3)}" } storage_os_disk { name = "vm-${count.index + 1}-OS-Disk" vhd_uri = "${element(*.primary_blob_endpoint, count.index)}${element(*.name, count.index)}/vm-${count.index + 1}-osdisk.vhd" caching = "ReadWrite" create_option = "FromImage" } # Optional data disks storage_data_disk { name = "vm-${count.index + 1}-Data-Disk" vhd_uri = "${element(*.primary_blob_endpoint, count.index)}${element(*.name, count.index)}/vm-${count.index} + 1}-datadisk.vhd" disk_size_gb = "100" create_option = "Empty" lun = 0 } os_profile { computer_name = "host${count.index + 1}" admin_username = "${var.admin_username}" admin_password = "${var.admin_password}" } os_profile_linux_config { disable_password_authentication = false } tags = "${azurestack_resource_group.rg.tags}" }    Assign values to the variables in the terraform.tfvars file through the table found at the top of the document arm_endpoint = "https://management.{region}.{domain}" subscription_id = "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" client_id = "applicationId" client_secret = "applicationPassword" tenant_id = "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" vm_count = 1 vm_image_string = "OpenLogic/CentOS/7.5/latest" vm_size = "Standard_DS2_v2" rg_name = "MyResourceGroup" rg_tag = "Production" admin_username = "user" admin_password = "Password123!"  Declare the variables here in the file for use in the main script variable "arm_endpoint" { type = string } variable "subscription_id" { type = string } variable "client_id" { type = string } variable "client_secret" { type = string } variable "tenant_id" { type = string } variable "admin_username" { type = string default = "username" } variable "admin_password" { type = string default = "Password123!" } variable "location" { type = string } variable "rg_tag" { type = string default = "production" } variable "rg_name" { type = string } variable "vm_count" { default = 1 } variable "vm_image_string" { type = string } variable "vm_size" { type = string default = "Standard_DS2_v2" }  How to execute a Terraform plan  Tip Terraform by default scans your execution directory and looks for all tf files.

  From a PowerShell prompt, navigate to the directory that contains your tf files (including your variable files) and run the following commands:

 # Check if your environment is setup correctly terraform init Initializing provider plugins... The following providers do not have any version constraints in configuration, so the latest version was installed. To prevent automatic upgrades to new major versions that may contain breaking changes, it is recommended to add version = "..." constraints to the corresponding provider blocks in configuration, with the constraint strings suggested below. * provider.azurestack: version = "~> 0.8" * provider.random: version = "~> 2.1" Terraform has been successfully initialized! You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "Terraform plan" to see any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands should now work. If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform, rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.  # Verify your plan terraform plan -var-file="terraform.tfvars" # Apply your plan terraform apply -var-file="terraform.tfvars"   Note You can also add -auto-approve to the apply command for it to not ask you to apply changes for full automation.

  Feedback If you find a problem with this article, click Improve this Doc to make the change yourself or raise an issue in GitHub. If you have an idea for how we could improve any of our services, send an email to [email protected].

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